I'm a software engineer, team leader, and speaker with over a decade of experience developing and maintaining web applications, especially within the Java ecosystem. As a former academic teacher, I excel at conveying complex ideas in a way that truly resonates and sticks with my audience.

I'm passionate about working with code, whether building from scratch or diving into legacy codebases. I enjoy crafting CI/CD processes that streamline development and deployment. I'm enthusiast of clean, straightforward code that solves business problems effectively, prioritizing readability and simplicity.

Bio - English & Polish, Headshot Photo

Software engineer and team leader with more than a decade of experience in developing and maintaining web applications, with a particular focus on applications written in the Java ecosystem. Neither afraid of working on code, even on code that is already “legacy”, nor of designing a CI/CD processes that streamline development and deployment. Enthusiast of clean, straightforward code that solves business problems effectively, prioritizing readability and simplicity.

Inżynier oprogramowania oraz lider zespołów z ponad dziesięcioletnim doświadczeniem w tworzeniu i utrzymywaniu aplikacji webowych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem aplikacji napisanych w ekosystemie Javy. Nie obawia się ani pracy nad kodem, nawet nad tym, który jest już "legacy", ani projektowania procesu CI/CD które usprawniają rozwój i wdrażanie aplikacji. Miłośnik czystego, prostego kodu, który w najprostszy (i czytelny) sposób rozwiązuje problemy biznesowe.

Headshot is available at https://banach.net.pl/avatar.jpg

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